The magic of silk...
Imaginative Play with Sarah's Silks from joy prouty on Vimeo. Our girls have been playing with Sarah's Silks for many years and they are always a feature in...
Making Photos ~ @bu.kuku
Not long ago, we put out for a call for brand reps for Poems for Buttercup. As much as we love creating our dolls, capturing them is another problem all...
Head, heart and hands
If you have an interest not only in Waldorf toys and celebrations but also Steiner's philosophy on Education this is a great little read. Sadly here in our town we...
It's all in the name..
Let me tell you a little story about Tanglewood Tales. Yes of course it may be a familiar title on your bookshelves growing up (A collection of children’s stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne,...
Tanglewood Toys
The starting point for this journey began so simply. A brief discussion between Zoe and I (Chelsea) begun in our little doll making business Poems for Buttercup. Our youngest...